I'm a web-loving, webapp maker kinda guy. Here are a few things I have created for my employers, my freelancing projects and my own personal projects

See AnthonyPlaysFrisbee.com

This is a fun website I created for myself and my frisbee teammates to consolidate all our video highlights and stats onto one web app. This web application was coded by myself using Angular 4 and the css framework, Bootstrap. The skills I used for this website includes: Typescript, Javascript, jQuery, CSS, Photoshop, JSON API Rest Calls.

The AnthonyPlaysFrisbee.com website shows the power and speed of Angular. On the left side bar is a list of dropdown select boxes, when a dropdown item is selected, the filtered data is shared across all the other webpages(components) as well. (ie, the filter selections do not have to be reselected if you were to leave the home page)

Some of the Angular-specific terminology I used in this app: Observables, Pipes, Components, Routers, ChartJS, Behavior Subject (to pass data between components).